Wednesday, March 12, 2008

reachin 14,000!!!

Dearest all YWD Leaders,

Updates!!! We are nearing the 14,000 mark, hopefully we will break the 15,000 mark by tonight.

We are @ 13994 today from 13676 yesterday, a jump of 318 dialogues... As the 3.16 events preparations gets geared up , Let's grab the time NOW to involve as many of our YWD Mbrs/Bels in the dialogue campaign so all will understand the significance of 3.16 & strengthen our bond with Sensei ..

NOW we have 6006 & 3 more days to go... Can we SG YWDs win this battle!! Let us be the one to determine the results.. let's create an unprecedenct VICTORY!!!

Lastly, recent words from Ikeda Sensei published in the Seikyo Shimbun.

March 10th - 16th, 2008
Let's hold a vibrant and uplifting discussion meeting,brimming with the spirit of March 16 (Kosen-rufu Day)*.Let's share our thoughts and experiences with each otherenthusiastically and without hesitation during the meeting.This is the meeting where kosen-rufu really exists and advancesand where capable people begin to learn how to develop their capabilities.

Michelle: ** In our dailogue campaign, the 1-1 dialogue sessions are also considered as a mini discussion meeting... :) **

*On March 16,1958, more than 6,000 youth attended a ceremony at the head temple where President Josei Toda passed the responsibility for the spreadof the Daishonin's Buddhism to all the youth division members.
(The Human Revolution, Vol. 12, "Successors" chapter)

** Shin'ichi also shared some memories of his times with Josei Toda: "March 16, 1958, was the day our mentor, President Toda, revealed for us the outline of kosen-rufu, letting us participate in a dress rehearsal for that time so that we would know in what direction to strive. A top government leader had promised to attend that day but in the end couldn't make it.President Toda declared that all of a nation's citizens, including its prime minister, are equal in front of the Gohonzon. He showed us a vision of kosen-rufu in which the light of the Mystic Law would shine equally on all people."

After the ceremony and just before returning to his lodging, President Toda called out to us, 'Let us fight!' I think these words are profoundly meaningful. I feel certain he was referring to the whole spectrum of struggles we must grapple with: to help those suffering become happy, to challenge erroneous teachings, to fight against abuses and injustices committed by those in positions of power and our individual struggle against our own weaknesses.

"In any case, when I heard him call out, 'Let us fight!'--his eyes sharp and radiant, his voice strong and vibrant despite his terrible gauntness--I was electrified. At that time, I resolved anew to fight intrepidly forkosen-rufu. His cry came from the depths of his being; it was an appeal from his very life.

"Engraving our mentor's words deeply in our hearts, let's fight resolutely and unceasingly until the day we have finally achieved kosen-rufu." (The New Human Revolution, Vol. 4, "Spring Storm" chapter)

Editors' note: it is already the crucial moment i have decided. why? because every moment i determined it to the moment igive my best, the moment i fight to my utmost for my members, the moment where my members are suffering and need me. "Engraving our mentor's words deeply in our hearts" means to bear in mind and put into action every word our mentor said and not to say repeat it over and over again like a fairytale. Lets Fight! my comrades, lets emerge from the earth!!

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