Monday, March 10, 2008

We have hit the 12,000 mark!!!

Just to clarify an error in the last update on Junior Choir YWDs (A&C groups) achieving 151 dialogues in a week. It should be Dailogues achieved since January.

Congratulations & Well done!!! We have broken the 12,000 mark, hopefully we will break the 13,000 mark by tonight.

We are @ 12962 today from 10272 four days days ago, a jump of 2690 dialogues... As the 3.16 events preparations gets geared up , Let's grab the time NOW to involve as many of our YWD Mbrs/Bels in the dialogue campaign so all will understand the significance of 3.16 & strengthen our bond with Sensei ..

NOW we have 7038 & 6 more days to go... (Estimated 10 dialogue per chapter per day) All in One mind, I am very confident that SG YWDs will WIN!!

Lastly, recent Sensei's guidances shared at last Friday Prayer Meeting.

"The young women's division members in particular are extremely dedicated.
In spite of their youth, they are summoning forth great courage and making earnest efforts to share the Daishonin's Buddhism with others and promote the Seikyo Shimbun (In our case, CL & SSA Times).

No doubt they occasionally have to deal with thoughtless or unkind remarks from acquaintances, and to face misunderstandings and prejudices because of their Buddhist faith and practice. The young women's division is very important. I want all of its members to lead wise and confident lives.

Don't live this period of youth in an aimless, empty fashion that you are certain to regret later. Please reassure your parents by staying on this great path of true happiness. Courage is the driving force for victory. A truly happy person is one who remains undefeated, no matter what happens.

Ultimately, unless we win over ourselves, over our own weaknesses, we won't be able to open the way to true happiness. Kosen-rufu also moves forward through winning. Winning makes our Buddhahood shine forth from within.

Attaining Buddhahood is just another way of describing true victory. Let's all win! To win, it is crucial to chant daimoku and forge inner strength. Soviet cosmonaut Yury Gagarin (1934-68), who was the first person to fly into space, declared: "Success favors the bold." Success does not favor the timid-it flees from them! . Be bold and courageous. Faith is the highest form of courage. Courage is the heart of Buddhism."

--- Editors' note ---

for my dearest HGS comrades and friends,

if you are reading this blog, i hope you can provide me with ur support.. (not morally thou) but pls spread this message with your mbrs and ldrs and let them also know about this blog and contribute to it. Let this be another(not the only) medium wher we can use technology to do kosen-rufu. And if you have any ideas or things where you feel will make this blog more attractive and interactive, more content etc, pls let me know. in future, i would like to let this become a bulletin board where constant updates for campaigns can be posted here.


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